Sedentary lifestyle: A Peril for Health

Sunday, February 28, 2016

As per statistics, about seventy five percent people throughout the world do not indulge in any form of physical exercise. Many people abhor following any kind of an exercise routine because they find it tiresome and time consuming. Lack of physical exercise can cause a lot of harm to a person’s health. Due to physical inactivity, the body finds it difficult to transport oxygen to the cells from the bloodstream, which can give birth to various health problems. Here is a list of few conditions that can disrupt your health when the body does not undergo any type of physical exercises.

According to various studies, it has been proved that lack of physical exercises can increase sensitivity towards insulin. Diabetes often plagues people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Physical exercises needs to be introduced in our lives, so that conditions such as diabetes cannot trouble us. People suffering from diabetes also have increased risk of contracting other diseases due to their erratic insulin levels.
Heart Diseases
The heart muscle stops to function properly in the absence of regular physical activity. The blood vessels present in the heart tend to get blocked if a person does not follow any exercise routine, and eventually he might have to face the wrath of heart attacks.
Psychological disorders
It has been seen that people who remain physically active, are less likely to suffer from conditions such as dementia, in the later part of their lives.
As per records, more than one million fractures are caused in America every year. The main reason for developing Osteoporosis is the presence of brittle bones. The bones in the body tend to lose its usual strength when there is dearth of physical activity. Eventually the bones get too brittle and get subjected to breakage. In order to prevent Osteoporosis, one can practice strength training once a week in order to strengthen the bones.
Weight Issues
It is a well known fact that lack of physical exercise can push you towards the doldrums of obesity. Most of the problems related to weight arise, when people ignore physical activities and get too absorbed in their sedentary lifestyles. Obesity can disrupt our lives in many ways and hence there are various weight loss supplements in the market. But these weight loss products also show proper results, when a person gets physically active.
People who are physically active have twenty five percent less chances of succumbing to stroke as compared to their physically inactive counterparts. When a person has a fit body, the blood pressure levels remain normal and formation of blood clots can be prevented.
Impact on Muscles
Around six percent of muscles mass can get lost in every ten years, if one does not exercise regularly. People are above the age of thirty should take a serious approach towards physical activity, to retain the good condition of the muscles. The perils of sedentary lifestyles are enormous but if one intends to make considerable changes, then a lot of diseases can be averted.