
Monday, December 20, 2010

It’s the return of the same old tricks. It gets as predictable as the aftermath of a drunken rendezvous. Seeking solace from the smoke and the mist. Treading the cobbled paths with the tell tale signs of familiarity. The scars of the battle are here to stay. It is hard to choke or wince. As the same old story cannot befuddle you relentlessly.

the flying pigs

a part of life saved in a memory. human memories are often inaccurate. there is a coldness in the air which chills the mind. the night is dark and the street lights are bright. the loud noises in the ear are the beating of the heart and heavy footsteps. actively paying attention to every minute detail of the world around one, the over worked brain of a man walking in an empty street at a time when it should least be so, finds only himself to listen to. the world has turned upside down and is watching you perform now for a change. “what does anyone know?” they only know what they see and hear and the rest is what they make up. it simplifies the world. good people, bad people. good deeds, bad deeds. success, failure. like, dislike. envy, pity. all big cages where people and what they show and tell are caged, and what you see and hear..

Friday, April 2, 2010


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rediscovering the magic of retail therapy.....